Computer Exam Your name Online Exam Form Online Exam Time Remaining: 40m 0s Question 1: Tick the correct option 1. PC stands for: A private computer Personal calculator Personal computer 2. ________ is the father of computer: Charles Babbage McCabe Abe John 3. Small and lightweight computers are: Desktop Laptop Mainframe 4. The computers that sit on a table are called: Desktop Server Laptop 5. The first page of a website is called: Homepage Page Our page 6. Internet was developed in: 1960 1930 1919 7. Shortcut key to undo: Control + X Control + Y Control + Z 8. Deleted files can be restored from: Documents Recycle Bin Desktop 9. Files are saved in a: Folder Filer Go to 10. ________ is used to access the internet: Web browser Operating system Text editor Question 2: Answer the following (4 lines each) 1. What is DSL? 2. What is a file? 3. What is the menu bar in stretch? 4. What is ENIAC? 5. Write a short note on server: 6. Who is the father of computers? 7. What is a personal computer? 9. Differentiate between undo and redo: 10. Write the steps to make text bold in MS Word: Question 3: Write the full forms 1. UNIAC 2. IBM 3. ENIAC 4. PC 5. CPU Question 4: Long Questions (20 lines each) 1. Differentiate between desktop computer and laptop computer: 2. What is the Internet? Write its five uses: Name: Submit